Graduate Studies and Postgraduate Career Advance

WELCOME to Science and Technology Lab!

Join us to enrol into the best among numerous USA graduate programs in science, mathematics, engineering and IT, obtain graduate research assistantship or scholarship to support your master's or PhD studies and to successfully complete your graduate degree, or to advance your graduate career. Write master's or PhD thesis and successful research proposals, and tune up to frontier discoveries in science, engineering and technology. PermaNature/SciTechLab offers friendly environment, advice and supervision of international team of professional scientists and educators at every stage of your graduate career in science, mathematics, engineering and IT.

SciTechLab's services include:

  • Enrollment into focused graduate programs, outstanding research supervisors and help in obtaining graduate research assistantship or scholarships to support master's or PhD studies in the USA and abroad
  • Help and advice at all phases of master's and/or PhD studies, and master's and/or PhD thesis writing
  • Research collaboration and joint research projects
  • Writing and submission of successful research proposals in sciences, engineering and IT fields, research proposals for PhD studies, proposals for graduate research assistantship, scholarships and grants
  • All types of research writing and publishing associated with graduate studies, graduate career and postgraduate research, including research abstracts, papers in professional science and engineering journals, books, reports, presentations, etc.
  • All types of science and engineering literature reviews and research data analysis associated with master's and PhD thesis writing and further graduate career development
  • Development of educational materials for graduate programs in sciences, mathematics, engineering and IT, including courses of study, lectures, texts, presentations, problem lists, tests and exams
  • Forums and tutorials for SciTechLab community members in quantum theory and related fields of sciences, engineering and IT, such as quantum computing and information processing 
  • Graduate career planning and postgraduate career strategy
  • SciTechGeek shopping (RoboShop opens soon)

SciTechLab's international team of collaborating scientists, engineers and educators use its outstanding academic and engineering experience and achievements to provide unparalleled professional services, advice, help and supervision at all stages of planning and development of successful research projects, master's and PhD studies, master's and PhD thesis preparation, and any other research, research paper and report preparation in physics, mathematics, chemistry, materials science, interdisciplinary fields of science, and their applications to engineering and IT, in particular nanotechnology. 

Identification of focused graduate programs and qualified supervisors, the development of successful ideas for master's and PhD studies, writing and submission of successful research and graduate career grant proposals, writing master's and PhD theses and research papers, the development of research projects and other graduate career activities in science, engineering and IT are formidable and stressful tasks even for seasoned scientists and engineers. Much more so it is for students and scientists at early stages of their graduate career development.

SciTechLab's team is happy to share its expertise to help you with your graduate career planning, master's or PhD studies, master's and PhD thesis writing, postgraduate career planning and development, and provides exceptional opportunities to gain hands-on experience participating in our own research projects in frontier fields of science and engineering.